Start your engines, things are moving again!
It feels refreshing right now. I have very good things coming up in the very near future, and several good things coming up a bit further away.
If we start with the near future - on wednesday we will kickstart this seasons touring with the Finnish tour "Kidneys to the limit" together with Turmion Kätilöt. I am sure this will be a blast! We were touring together with them last year as well and i just love these dudes. You need to search really hard to find a band with the same attitude as them, or even just half of their attitude... Anyway, we will tour Finland and do shows in five cities starting with Helsinki on wednesday. As usual i will be blogging here during the whole tour.
A little further away (in November to be a little bit more precise) it's time for the UK tour together with Nightwish and then the big european tour "Into darkness". We haven't been playing UK since 2009 so this is very big for all of us and i know we have Painheads waiting for us in UK! The european tour is in a "touring-festival" style and i think we are as much as five bands every night, this will be very interesting and i am really looking forward to this as well. Here we will join forces with Moonspell, Swallow the sun, Lake of tears and Scar of the sun. Also the long-awaited Pain-DVD "We come in peace" will be out the same day the tour starts! Don't miss that one, i laughed my ass off when i saw it first time...
And finally, the most personal happening to me is the release of the third album with 8thSin called "Cosmogenesis" on November 23rd. Finally! It took me more 6 years to get this album done so that's why this is very personal to me. This is the album we recorded in 2005-2006 for a planned 2007 release. But as both myself and Johan has been touring with Pain over the last 5 years it has simply never been time to finalize the project. Now i started the mixing 1,5 years ago and now it's finally ready to see the light. I have so much to tell about this album and the process, but will leave that for now and get back to the subject later on.
So, loads of things to look forward to, but let's start with our friends and neighbours in Finland on wednesday (and i will bring my brand new guitar, yay!). See 'ya all Finnish Painheads!

"Kidneys to the limit" Finnish tour

"Into Darkness" European tour

8thSin "Cosmogenesis" album, out on Nov 23rd