Pratteln, Switzerland
I woke up a few times that night, especially when David came running in the corridor in the bus at 5am yelling "-we have war-painted Hede!, hello? can you hear me? we have war-painted Hede!". I told him to shut the fuck up as many of us were asleep in our beds. It was just another party-night in the bus and Hede apparently fell asleep and got his face painted black, again. Later that day David came in to the dressing room and said: "-we painted Peters face last night, completely black!". I said "-but you said it was Hede, and i have seen Hede today, and i am very sure it was his face you painted", David: "oh, was it Hede we painted?".
I am speechless. Oh! Now i remember what band i'm in, i almost forgot there for a second!
Anyway, so we were in Switzerland yesterday. We entered this beautiful country around noon after being stuck at the border for a while. I love the Swiss mountain views and feel a bit privileged to watch this through the bus window. After soundcheck when i went out to the bus to leave a few things, i met two fans outside the venue next to our bus that had brought us a bag of presents. It contained AC/DC beers, wine, chocolate and other stuff (see picture below). That was a very nice thing to do if you ask me - and this bag is now stowed in the bus and i am sure it will be used soon.
The show was good, and i could use my lovely red guitar again. About in the middle of the set we had a birthday surprise for Johan on stage, we all sang "happy birthday" to him (including the audience) and he got presents that our crew had sneaked out to get a few hours earlier. He got big "dick-balooons" around his neck (from the "sex-supermarket" next door) and Swedish Glögg and other nice things you can buy at IKEA in Pratteln, hahaha. Hopefully he will remember this birthday.
Tonight we are in Paris. This is a place we all look forward to play every tour, as Pain seem to have a very special vibe here. I don't know why, but some of the best moments have been in Paris. Let's see how it goes tonight, but i have high hopes in all our loyal French Painheads! I have heard that that fans who saw every show in UK is now also ready in front row tonight in France, see 'ya!
8 down, 13 to go.

Hellyeaaaaahhh !
Well actually Ill be the only one who were also in UK! My friend couldnt make it unfortunately! :( so i have to enjoyed the show for him too ! :)
I'm loooooost !