Frankfurt, Germany
Up until the show in Paris i was in good condition and felt like this was like a walk in the park. But at the show in Paris something in my neck snapped and since then it hurts like hell. Maybe i was pushing it a bit too hard, i don't know, but this makes it a bit difficult for me to give 100%. I felt it yesterday at the show in Frankfurt, the pain is pushing me back a bit from the kind of performance i want to do and it pisses me off. Painheads in Frankfurt was great anyway, even though i wasn't! Thank you!
While i am writing this i am staring out the tourbus window, amazed how beautiful the swiss alps are! I feel so small when i look up those massive mountains covered with snow at the top! We're going in and out of mountain tunnels as we cruise on the highway to Italy, and every time we come out on the other side a new fantastic view opens up. I feel like i am part of a postcard picture. The true power of nature!
Today we are in Bologna Italy and will do show number 11 of 21 of this tour, which means we are now about half way through this madness. To be honest with you, i miss home now. I am really looking forward to come back home to my family and beloved ones again, as being on the road can be tough sometimes.

Stackars dig! Jag kan förstå att,när du saknar dina älskade, du känner dig ensam ibland, även när du omringas av många människor, särskilt när du inte känner dig 100%. Men du kan trösta dig med tanken att du gläder så många och turnén kommer att vara över snart :-)
Förresten, tack för att dela mitt foto :-)
Jag går på en kvällskurs i svenska, i trean nu :)
Så förlåt om jag skriver dumma fel, men det kommer att bättra sig, så småningom :)
det var universellt språk, hoppades jag ;) fast mina döttrar brukar skratta ut mig om hur jag använder dessa 'smilies' :(