Weekend wrap-up and November announcement
Back in Stockholm after loads of sleep i feel in best shape right now! Last weekend and the two festivals was great and this time we had enough sleep and the travels were not bad at all. Okay, i came home a bit after midnight but had good travels and have been sleeping a lot today. I have good memories from this trip and especially from the endeavours with Exodus, but also when Johan got lost in himself on stage, wrapped up his guitar strap and cables around his feet and were stuck and couldn't move... on the side of the stage the Exodus guys were applauding his funny behaviour with a great smile on their faces :-)
Now i have holiday and will just enjoy that as much as i can. Some time will be spent on the recordings of the 8th Sin album "Cosmogenesis" again, but mainly pure holiday. Next show is at Metal Camp in August, which i really look forward to. We were there in 2007 and had a really good time. One song from that show is included at the Cynic Paradise DVD. I remember having lunch with Mille Petrozza and saw the Kreator show after us on the main stage. I am a big Kreator fan and the show was great! Metal Camp is a bit special with its wonderful environment and overall attitude like a summer holiday camp!
Today it has been officially announced that we will support Nightwish in UK in November, right before our European tour. We have not been in UK since 2009 and i know we have many Painheads screaming for this so it feels a little bit like payback, and of course it's gonna be great to get together with our crazy Finnish friends again :-)

Emanuel had been naughty and had to be punished. Photo: Gerd Krenz

Macke had been naughty and had to be punished. Photo: Gerd Krenz

Exodus said goodbye in our backstage before they went back to the
US again. Photo: Gerd Krenz

Laughing with Emanuel backstage at Zwarte Cross...

Happy with a Smirnoff Ice in the hotel. Photo: Emanuel Isaksson

Live in Czech Republic. Photo: Marcin Pawłowski

Live in Czech Republic. Photo: Marcin Pawłowski

Live in Czech Republic. Photo: Marcin Pawłowski
Posted by: Isa
Hi Michael thanks for your post and great pics I have seen on Facebook and I laugh of seen them ah ah ! and Smirnoff so good ! take your holidays and I can't wait to see you guys in Paris in november ! :-)
Good evening
Posted by: Isa
Hi Michael It's really you on Facebook here https://www.facebook.com/michael.bohlin.9 ? and if It's you, you accept a fans of Pain ?
Michael Bohlin