Festival weekend wrap-up
4 Days.
7 flights.
1 train.
2 countries.
3 hotels.
12 van shuttles.
2 signing sessions.
3 festival shows.
7 flights.
1 train.
2 countries.
3 hotels.
12 van shuttles.
2 signing sessions.
3 festival shows.
0 breakfasts (you know how important this is to me, right?)
10 hours of sleep.
10 hours of sleep.
That's the easy and simple wrap-up of this weekend. Don't get me wrong, i had a blast but i am so tired i can barely sit down without falling asleep. It's worth it as soon as you stand there in front of the 15.000 people, but i am getting a bit worn out right now. I just need to rest a few days, and next weekend it's the same old song again :-)
My daughter Kimmy complains that my blog posts are always too long, so this is where i stop. Dot.

Rockharz Festival – Ballenstedt – Germany

Rockharz Festival – Ballenstedt – Germany

Masters of rock festival – Plzen – Czech Republic. Photo: Gerd Krenz

Posted by: Mark
I like long bloggs posts!
Michael Bohlin
Posted by: carine
I'm with Mark :) Your posts can't be long enough Michael!
Michael Bohlin
Posted by: paincrisy
I'm with Mark :) Your posts can't be long enough Michael!
Michael Bohlin
Posted by: Isa
Hi Michael
How are you?
I agree your post are not long :-) And this blog It's a good idea ;-)
So why the official PAIN shop is closed here http://www.fanzone.fi/pain/suljettu.cfm
Posted by: Vixx
I agree with the above people- they're never to long -we love the detail!
Michael Bohlin