Rockharz Festival, Germany
This has been a looooong day. Woke up at 3am, got picked up by David at 4am and was at the airport in Stockholm and met the rest of the gang (except Johan) at 5am. First flight took us to Copenhagen, where Johan also joined in. Then the next flight was about to take us to Hanover in just 45 mins after our arrival. That didn't happen. They couldn't find the pilot... Hey ho, just another day in Pain-world! So after a long delay they found another pilot and we could finally fly to Hanover in a very bumpy and uncomfortable flight. At this point, i had only slept 2 hours in the night and 30 mins at the first flight, so i felt totally insane when i finally entered the Hanover airport. Always the same thing - i need to find out who the sadist is who's planning our travels...
After a 2 hour ride in a van (and some pumpy sleep) we finally arrived at our hotel. Now this is the time of rewards as we had 4 hours of sleep at our rooms before we had to go to the festival. So after i woke up in my room after 4 hours of sleep, the day suddenly turned around and everything felt ok. I'm back on track! For now... The pouring rain that met us when we arrived had also stopped and when we finally entered the stage the sun was shining and i looked out over the big crowd under a blue sky. I just love this sight. The show that we will do tomorrow at the "Masters Of Rock Festival" in Czech Republic is a bit special to us (i will tell you why tomorrow), and we are planning to play a bit different songs there than we normally do. Many of these song we haven't played in about 5 years (!), and as we never rehearse we wanted to try a few of them today as well to see if it works. I think it turned out really well and we had a really good time on stage! It is always very inspiring to change the setlist and play new/old songs and hopefully the Painheads out there thinks the same? I saw a few familiar faces in the first row as usual, and except for a few techincal issues i think was a very good show! Thanks!
After a 2 hour ride in a van (and some pumpy sleep) we finally arrived at our hotel. Now this is the time of rewards as we had 4 hours of sleep at our rooms before we had to go to the festival. So after i woke up in my room after 4 hours of sleep, the day suddenly turned around and everything felt ok. I'm back on track! For now... The pouring rain that met us when we arrived had also stopped and when we finally entered the stage the sun was shining and i looked out over the big crowd under a blue sky. I just love this sight. The show that we will do tomorrow at the "Masters Of Rock Festival" in Czech Republic is a bit special to us (i will tell you why tomorrow), and we are planning to play a bit different songs there than we normally do. Many of these song we haven't played in about 5 years (!), and as we never rehearse we wanted to try a few of them today as well to see if it works. I think it turned out really well and we had a really good time on stage! It is always very inspiring to change the setlist and play new/old songs and hopefully the Painheads out there thinks the same? I saw a few familiar faces in the first row as usual, and except for a few techincal issues i think was a very good show! Thanks!
As we have a 5am bus-call tomorrow morning to go to the airport (Leipzig-Wienna-Prague), we called it a night pretty early today. We just did the planned signing session (with a huuuuuge amount of fans lining up) and then jumped in a van and went back to the hotel. This is where i am now writing this blogg.
I hope every Painhead in Czech Republic is ready for us tomrrow - it's gonna be a blast!

Bored at Copenhagen airport

Just arrived at the hotel

Backstage at Rockharz, in an old hangar area from the early 40's

Arrived backstage


Johan backstage, waiting to get on stage

My mascot from my daughter Kimmy is traveling with me: "The Nervcell"

Interview right after the show, backstage

Signing session

Signing session

Signing session
