Masters of Metal, Czech Republic
Seriously, i need to find the dude who's been booking our travels, this is ridiculous... I need to rectify my statement earlier, and also include hours of travelling in a van every day, and also a trainride tomorrow! Buscall this morning was at 5am and we went to Leipzig airport about one hour ride away. Then we flew to Vienna in a small propeller-plane (i hate them!). After we had stayed in Vienna for about 45 minutes, we took another propeller plane and flew to Prague. Remember i am 50% Austrian, right? I wanted to stay more than 45 minutes in this country :-(
Anyway, this ride was very bumpy and me and Hede was doing our best to kill time by playing Yatzy in the plane. When we landed we realised something must've been wrong with the front wheel at the plane as they immediately started to change the wheel right after we got off... Just another day in Pain-world.
So, after not so many hours of sleep, one hour van-ride, two ugly propeller-plane rides, we now had ONLY a 4 hour van-ride left to get to Zlin. Just take a look at the map; we could've been driving straight from Leipzig to Zlin in a van and be there in about 6 hours. This took us about 10 hours in total! Flying from Vienna to Prague is halfway back where we came from! Or maybe drive from Vienna to Prague instead - only a 2,5 hour drive! Sorry, i'm getting a bit carried away now but this makes us all very pissed off.
So, after not so many hours of sleep, one hour van-ride, two ugly propeller-plane rides, we now had ONLY a 4 hour van-ride left to get to Zlin. Just take a look at the map; we could've been driving straight from Leipzig to Zlin in a van and be there in about 6 hours. This took us about 10 hours in total! Flying from Vienna to Prague is halfway back where we came from! Or maybe drive from Vienna to Prague instead - only a 2,5 hour drive! Sorry, i'm getting a bit carried away now but this makes us all very pissed off.
When we finally arrived at the hotel in Zlin, i realized that among all the bands there (all bands were in the same hotel) there was also Nightwish. Our old friends from Finland had arrived one day before their show, so i went down to floor #2 at the hotel where the guys where playing bowling. It was very nice to meet them all again!
Finally at the festival i became very happy when i saw the running order as it had two bands i really like: Unisonic and Exodus. I discovered Unisonic when we played with them in Mexico recently and i just love the voice of Michael Kiske! So i saw the whole show again, and it was even better this time! Especially the jam session of Elvis songs right on the middle of "Future World", hehe... Exodus is one of my favourite bands from the 80's thrash era when i was totally into that kind of music. I saw most of their show and must say they have unbeatable energy in their performance. We met the guys after the show and i came up with an idea that Rob Dukes (the singer) will join us a few hours later at our show, and sing "Shut your mouth" with us. He agreed.
We also had a signing session and to go there we had to pass the brewery in the backstage area - really cool! I believe they are doing Slivovitz in here!
I love to play in Czech Republic - it seems like we have loads of Painheads around here. So this show was going to a bit special anyway, but we took it one step further. We decided to film and record the whole show to our upcoming DVD, and to make it even more special we changed more than 50% of the setlist and played songs we haven't been playing for a long time, some of them goes back to 2007. As planned earlier, Rob came on stage in the last song and sang "Shut your mouth" with us. The audience went crazy and i think it was a cool way to end the show. I love those big stages when you can run around like a maniac :-)
Tomorrow we have another bus call at 6am and right now i am at my hotel room writing this blog and the time just passed 4am... I have no idea when i will get the sleep i need! Bang Your Head Festival is coming up tomorrow and Rob told us they are also doing this festival so we will meet tomorrow again. The good thing here is that they were so kind and took our guitars in their tourbus so we don't have to deal with them on the plane and train tomorrow.
See 'ya in Germany tomorrow (actually, later today...)

In a Tyroler-colored plane with Hede playing Yatzy to ease the Pain...

Johan and Emanuel, just landed in Vienna

They quickly changed the wheel on the plane when we came to Vienna

Peter and Emanuel at the airport in Vienna

Why don't we have these smart tables in Swedish airports? Vienna!

Really cool miniature city at the Prague airport

"The Nervcell" is sitting by the window at the hotel in Zlin

Signing session again

Me at the signing session

David, Peter and Johan in the brewery


Someone had made this funny setup backstage

Unisonic, not long beofre we entered the same stage


"The Nervcell" is watching Edguy on stage

Rob Dukes from Exodus joined us in "Shut your mouth" - Thanks Rob!

Posted by: Isa
Hi Michael
Thanks for the sharing :-)