Karlstad, Sweden. End of 2012.
Pictures below from the last show of 2012, in Karlstad Sweden (a sold out show), together with Sabaton and Raubtier yesterday.
I met a PAIN fan after the show who thanked me for doing this blog and told me that he had read every post and was a big fan. That made me very happy and felt like a good ending of 2012 when i jumped into the van with Andre and drove away from Karlstad.
I wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year! See 'ya all next year. Now i need some rest.
(Did you get the new 8thSin album "Cosmogenesis" yet? Otherwise send an email to: [email protected])

Karlstad, Sweden. Photo: Robban Murray

Karlstad, Sweden. Photo: Robban Murray

Karlstad, Sweden. Photo: Robban Murray