Ready for Metal Camp
Packing my bags again to prepare for the last festival show with Pain in 2012 tomorrow. As i wrote in my latest post, we were at Metal Camp in 2007 and i only have good memories of that show. The Slovenian Painheads have proven their dedication to us several times. Back in 2007 we had Peter Iwers from In Flames playing bass as our bassplayer (at that point, André Skaug from Clawfinger) was unable to go. This time Johan is with us and i am really looking forward to do Metal Camp again - see 'ya tomorrow!

Masters of Rock - Czech Republic. Photo: Polina Kulikovskikh

Masters of Rock - Czech Republic. Photo: Polina Kulikovskikh

Masters of Rock - Czech Republic. Photo: Polina Kulikovskikh

Masters of Rock - Czech Republic. Photo: Polina Kulikovskikh