Day 58 - Örebro, Sweden
Today is Johans birthday! We celebrated him as much as we could in real Pain-manner. He got birthday cake in the tourbus, and we sang to him. We had a nice dinner with him at "Wongs", then we celebrated him on stage in Örebro, with help from Raubtier and crew. The whole audience sang for Johan and we had funny hats and balloons :-)
Overall it was a really good show, and we had loads of fun. Hulkoff from Raubtier joined us on stage at "Shut your mouth" and we joined Raubtier in one song as well. It was all like a big funny party on stage.
Örebro is also the place where Björn (our merchandise guy at the european part of the tour) lives, so he came to see us together with his family. Nice to see him agian!
Tomorrow is the last show on this tour and in 2011. Stockholm!!!

Johans birthdaycake!

Johans birthdaypresents from Pain, Raubtier and Crew. Delivered by Hulkoff

Blue birthdaycake, shared backstage

Kulturhuset in Örebro, Sweden

Pain in Örebro, Sweden
Overall it was a really good show, and we had loads of fun. Hulkoff from Raubtier joined us on stage at "Shut your mouth" and we joined Raubtier in one song as well. It was all like a big funny party on stage.
Örebro is also the place where Björn (our merchandise guy at the european part of the tour) lives, so he came to see us together with his family. Nice to see him agian!
Tomorrow is the last show on this tour and in 2011. Stockholm!!!

Johans birthdaycake!

Johans birthdaypresents from Pain, Raubtier and Crew. Delivered by Hulkoff

Blue birthdaycake, shared backstage

Kulturhuset in Örebro, Sweden

Pain in Örebro, Sweden