Day 56 - Gothenburg, Sweden
We arrived in a very sunny and nice Gothenburg around lunchtime, and the first person i met was Patrik Douglas. Patrik was touring with us (actually with Engel) on the European part of the tour, and it was very nice to meet him again! Just like yesterday we had many friends visiting us at the show. All our friends in Engel came to pay us a visit, as well as Peter Iwers from In Flames, the great guys from Jackson Guitars, Baskim from Meta 4 Music and many more. The Painhead Sean from France was also at the show, i wonder how many shows he has seen now? Also, do you remember when i wrote about this Italian Painhead that was at every Italian show and then also in Barcelona? She was at the show as well... I am stunned...
Anyway, the show was great, and we got many comments afterwards about the fantastic sound! Especially from people who has seen many shows in this venue that said that "normally it sounds like shit here, but tonight it was fantastic, and that guitar sound!". Things like this is very inspiring to hear, and i am bound to say that the reason is Kimmo Ahola, Venue SC48 and Eleven Rack. It's a winning concept. Period.
After the show, Peter Iwers brought us all to his own bar/restaurant that he opened up this summer. It is called 2112 and is a really nice placei must say! We tried the In Flames whisky and some other good stuff. I promised Peter and myself that i will visit this place again and try out the menu - it looks really promising!
Tomorrow we will be in Mariestad, and it's 11-11-11! My lucky number is 11, so this will be interesting!

This is the first thing i saw in the bus when i woke up this morning...

Beautiful day in Gothenburg

Parked outside "Brew house" in Gothenburg

Playtime again, more planes and stuff bought today. Buffeln and Hede is happy

David and Johan is building tanks...

Special guitar pick from the bar/restaurant 2112

Pain with Peter Iwers from In Flames, at 2112
Anyway, the show was great, and we got many comments afterwards about the fantastic sound! Especially from people who has seen many shows in this venue that said that "normally it sounds like shit here, but tonight it was fantastic, and that guitar sound!". Things like this is very inspiring to hear, and i am bound to say that the reason is Kimmo Ahola, Venue SC48 and Eleven Rack. It's a winning concept. Period.
After the show, Peter Iwers brought us all to his own bar/restaurant that he opened up this summer. It is called 2112 and is a really nice placei must say! We tried the In Flames whisky and some other good stuff. I promised Peter and myself that i will visit this place again and try out the menu - it looks really promising!
Tomorrow we will be in Mariestad, and it's 11-11-11! My lucky number is 11, so this will be interesting!

This is the first thing i saw in the bus when i woke up this morning...

Beautiful day in Gothenburg

Parked outside "Brew house" in Gothenburg

Playtime again, more planes and stuff bought today. Buffeln and Hede is happy

David and Johan is building tanks...

Special guitar pick from the bar/restaurant 2112

Pain with Peter Iwers from In Flames, at 2112