...we did it again...

Yepp, as predicted we did it again. Not a catastrophe as the other events but crazy fair enough. The metal cruise with the "Close-Up Boat" was our 3rd and hopefully last time we did such thing. As mentioned in the last blog post, we have done this in the past and always promised ourselves never to enter such stupid event again, and always failed. We are like that, fail :-)
Peter was in his calm mode but the other three dudes in Hypocrisy were real winners on this trip, hehe. Two of them were shitfaced already when we entered the ship, falling asleep in their cabin almost right away. In our cabin it was David, Johan, myself and Tomas Elofsson (Hypocrisy guitar player). Tomas disappeared pretty fast and we couldn't find him for hours. Much later, after our show, when i was walking around the ship with David and Johan, we found him on deck 9. He was shitfaced, with a beer in one hand, the pants around his ancles arguing wit a guy down in a corridor. This view was just priceless. No one could explain what was going on.
Our show was great and we had a good time. Production guys said we were having the largest audience of every band on this trip and that made me happy. It also felt like that when i was looking out over the crowd as i saw most of the other bands. We had many friends around and i also had relatives in he crowd. This might be the last time i used my "Transparent Black" Jackson Rhoads RRXT this year. I have used this one on every show this year and it is a fantastic guitar, but i will have a new one in a different color soon. Not sure if that will be on the Finnish tour or on the European tour.
Let's see when it arrives :-)
Anyway, we were having a party until 06:30 when we finally found our cabin again and went to sleep. When we woke up the next day around lunchtime everything not attached to the cabin walls were missing. Hmmm...?
Now we agreed we will never do anything like this again. Really.
Next time we see each other again for a show will be the Finnish tour with Turmion Kätylöt in October!
Trolleys for every band to get their gear on board
Johan and the beers
David, Macke and Emanuel
I managed to take a photo of the photographer for once :-)
50% of Hypocrisy right after the ship left the harbour... with box-wine
David with a mirror drowning in beers...
Tomas Elofsson, in a party mode when we found him on deck 9
This guy just HAD to drink beer upside-down, we helped him! :-)
David and me at 05:00 in the morning
Time to go to bed... 06:30
Healthy breakfast at 13:00 the day after
Nicke Borg is bringing all gear back to the harbour again
The Raubtier van was waiting for us when we came back


In February 2007 we played on a cruise ship, cruising from Sweden to Finland and back again. Filled with about 1500 metalheads going crazy for 24 hours. This became a total disaster of course, with many crazy events that happened after too much alcohol and Tiamat involved. After that cruise, we all promised ourselves that we will NEVER do this again, ever! And we all agreed on that.

In April 2008 we were back doing the same thing again. We ended up in a similar chaos as last time, even though it wasn't at the same top level. But the pictures from the magazine in Hardcore Superstars backstage afterwards, and Peter when he is riding the shopping cart on outer deck, brings back the memories. After that cruise we promised ourselves that we will NEVER do this again, ever! And we all agreed on that.

Hmmm, see a pattern here?

Today, September 6th 2012, we are doing it again. Of course. This time together with Hypocrisy, Raubtier, Soulfly and others. Ship-ohoy...
After this trip i am sure we will promise ourselves that we will never NEVER do this again, ever! And we will probably all agree on that.
Some memories from the other cruises (crusades?):
2007, me on stage... in an odd pose..
2007, Peter on stage with Tiamat...
2008, David and Johan backstage
2008, at the terminal after the cruise :-)
2008, at the terminal after the cruise...
2012. Let's see how it goes this time.

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