Day 8 - Jyväskylä, Finland

I am a sucker for breakfast. I just have to admit that. If i don't get breakfast i get grumpy. So my most important meal every day, is always breakfast. Then if the breakfast is high quality, it's even better. So i have developed a 10-point breakfast scoring system for breakfasts. Before we left Kuopio i got a very good breakfast at "Fransmanni", which was a hotel breakfast actually. This one was a 9/10 and i got "Karelska Piroger med äggsmör" (i have no idea what that is in English...).

Anyway, we left for Jyväskylä, arrived safely without any gas problems or other strange moments. It's almost 4 years ago since we were here, in the same venue at Lutakko in Jyväskylä. I remember that was a good show, so my expectations for this one was pretty high. It turned out that i was right, and the show was fantastic. I think Lutakko was just about packed to the maximum with people, and the atmosphere was great! So i think it was a really good show, despite the fact that we had some minor fuck-ups again (like when i was given a guitar that was tuned in the wrong pitch).

After the show, the Sauna was ready in the backstage. It was friday night and we had several things to celebrate, like the fact that it was friday, a very good show, but mostly that it was Mackes (our guitartechnichians) birthday! So everybody made sure to get to the bus before him, and prepared a birthday party. So when he finally arrived we all sang to him and had ballons and a cake ready. Hehe... Our support band Black Light Discipline was there as well, and i guess the party went a bit too far as they forgot their bass player in the bus when they left. He was still in the upper lounge when we left Jyväskylä for Helsinki...

Only one show to go in Finland now.

Macke (guitar tech) and Sofia (Merchandise)

Backstage in Lutakko, Jyväskylä

Mackes birthdayparty in the tourbus, but where is Macke himself?

Mackes birthdayparty in the tourbus, but where is Macke himself?

Mackes birthdayparty in the tourbus, but where is Macke himself?

Mackes birthdayparty in the tourbus, but where is Macke himself?

Mackes birthdayparty in the tourbus, but where is Macke himself?

Mackes birthdayparty in the tourbus, but where is Macke himself?

Live in Umeå - Photo: Mats Söderholm

Live in Umeå - Photo: Mats Söderholm

Live in Umeå - Photo: Mats Söderholm

Live in Umeå - Photo: Mats Söderholm

Live in Östersund - Photo: Jenny Widding

Live in Sundsvall - Photo: Björling Media


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